Our featured shop this week is Tenpenny Gray.
Tell us about yourselves.
We are two sisters from the frozen state of Minnesota. I’m Erica. I'm a
married, stay-at-home mom of two young school-aged kids: a girl and a
boy, and also a lazy orange cat. Beth, my younger sister, isn't a mom
herself, but she does enjoy being an aunt to my kids and her other
nieces and nephews. Besides our Etsy shop, she also works as a
freelance video editor.
Tell us about your shop. What do you sell?
Our Etsy shop, Tenpenny Gray, opened for business at the end of 2012, so
we’ve only been around for a few months. A common theme for most of our
items is vintage--either an actual vintage item or something we've
crafted using vintage materials. We both love using vintage materials or
repurposing any used items to give them a new life. Since we are a
relatively new business, we will keep expanding our products that we
have for sale. More jewelry is one thing that I know we have our eye on
How did you come up with the name Tenpenny Gray?
We definitely spent a lot of time debating about a name for our shop!
Both Beth and I agreed we wanted a shop name that was more general or
abstract, and not tied to a specific type of item we would be selling,
so that we could offer a wide variety of items in our shop. We actually,
believe it or not, had a list of random words that we just really liked
for some reason or liked the way they sounded. We may or may not have
read the dictionary for inspiration! Tenpenny seemed to fit in with the
vintage style we like, so we tried pairing it with different words until
we came up with Tenpenny Gray. To us, it just felt and sounded right,
and we think our perhaps somewhat crazy naming process led us to the
perfect name for our shop.
When did you start creating? Why?
Both Beth and I have enjoyed doing a variety of different crafts since
we were kids. I've always loved interior design, and Beth was always
into drawing and painting. We're both avid scrapbookers as well. We grew
up being dragged to antique shops and garage sales, so I think it
really gave us a love of all things vintage and inspired us to open
Tenpenny Gray. As a stay-at-home mom, I was looking for a way to have a
business that I could do from home, too.
How do you balance your business with your family?
It is difficult to fit in everything that needs to be done in a given
day between my family needs and business needs. Something often has to
give - and for me, it is often the housework! I do try to fit in most of
my business-related work while the kids are at school. A typical
morning for me would be working on listing new things into our shop,
putting the finishing touches on handmade items, and trying to squeeze
in some cleaning or vacuuming before my youngest comes home from morning
kindergarten. I try to be present with my kids when they are home and
save the business work for when they are away or sleeping. But it is
hard! Next year my youngest will be in school all day, so I’m
anticipating a longer time-window to get business stuff taken care of.
How do you handle doing business WITH family?
That can be tricky, but luckily we get along well and are close. We
often have very similar thoughts - we joke that we share a brain - so
regarding business decisions, we usually are on the same track. We each
have certain aspects of the Etsy business that we handle ourselves,
along with each of us making items to be sold in the shop. It can be
kind of hard to get away from it all though, when you are doing business
with family. We do often find ourselves talking Tenpenny Gray business
at family birthday party get-togethers!
What has been the most difficult aspect of being a Mommy with a Small Business?
For me, the most difficult aspect has definitely been the time. As any
mom knows, there is never enough time in the day. The more time that I
spend on my business, means the less time I spend doing the grocery
shopping, the laundry, the cleaning. But that stuff still has to get
done, so then it takes away quality time from my kids - because we are
having to go grocery shopping together instead of playing a game
together. Time management is key and something I am still working on.
What has been the most rewarding?
The most rewarding has been seeing our Etsy shop open and having
business cards printed up and officially becoming a business. Getting
that first sale was also really exciting! For us, it's also fun to take
an old, used item and transform it into a lovely decoration for
someone's home.
Do you have any tips for other moms with a small/home business?
While you of course want to grow and improve your business, try not to
get too caught up in comparing yourself to other business owners. We
moms do love to compare ourselves to other moms in all areas it seems.
But that shop owner with lots of sales or all the creative products, may
be at a different stage in her life where she can devote more time to
nurturing her business than you can right now. When you are deep in the
trenches of mothering and trying to run a small business too, you really
can only do so much. It’s ok to build your business slowly. Know that
you, too, will have different seasons in your life and you will get to a
point where you have more time to devote to your business, but you
can’t ever get those years back with your kids.
Do you have a coupon for us?
Take 15% off your purchase with coupon code: FRIDAYFEATURE15
If you'd like to see more, you can find Erica and Beth at the following sites:
Thank you, ladies!