Our Friday Feature this week is Trish of ReDreamJean.

I'm a stay at home mom to 2 beautiful children and the wife of a wonderful man. We are farmers, living on the farm were I was raised. My husband is also a small business owner. I am grateful to God that my husband is supportive of me staying home with and homeschooling our children. It is such a blessing to be married to a man who shares my beliefs and values. I couldn't do it without his believing in me! I believe that, even when I couldn't see it, God was always guiding my path. I'm so glad that I made Jesus the Lord of my life as a child.
Tell us about your shop. What do you sell?
In my shop, ReDreamJean, I sell mostly upcycled jean skirts and some scarves. To make a skirt, I start with a pair of jeans, rip or cut the inseam apart, and sew in a triangular insert. I like to zig-zag and hand fringe all raw edges. It gives the skirts a nice finish. I really enjoy this because each skirt is a unique and creative work. The possibilities are endless! Another cool thing that I sell is upcycled sweater scarves. And right now, I'm knitting a eyelash yarn fashion scarf.

When did you start creating? Why?
I never enjoyed sewing much, but I made some skirts for my daughter in the last year or two. They turned out well, so I made some more and tried to sell on Ebay. I don't know what flipped the switch, but now I'm borderline obsessive. I really enjoy creating unique, comfortable clothing. I also believe that wholesome fashions are needed in our society. I've been wanting to start a small business for several years, but none of my ideas ever clicked. This one has really sparked my imagination and i hope it works out.
How do you balance your business with your family?
Every day, I take some time to play with my kids. I have to remind myself that my first job is to be a wife and mother. Kids grow up so fast and I want to make good memories with them. I've found that when my oldest is really annoying me and demanding attention, it's better to just lay aside my work for a little while and take some time to play a game or read a story. When my husband is home, I try to stay off of Etsy and turn off the sewing machine. A good way to put it in perspective is to ask myself "What will be the most important in 20 years? finishing a project or showing my family that i value them above all else?" I have to admit though that I'm not very organized and it's an everyday challenge to achieve balance.

What has been the most difficult aspect of being a Mommy with a Small Business?
I suppose the most difficult things are organization, bookkeeping (I'm terrible at it!) and pricing my items competitively while still making a profit.
What has been the most rewarding?
The rewarding part is that I enjoy what I'm doing. it's a creative outlet for me. It's also rewarding when people complement my designs.
You can find more of Trish's creations at:
Questions and comments are always appreciated. Thanks for stopping by!
Great feature! Lynda